Eisar Reserve - Room Reservation System
Eisar Reserve - Room Reservation System
Installation Steps
- Clone the Git repository:
git clone https://github.com/HoceineEl/EisarReserve.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd EisarReserve
- Copy the environment file:
cp .env.example .env
- Install PHP dependencies:
composer install
- Generate the application key:
php artisan key:generate
- Migrate the database with seeding:
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
- Install Node.js dependencies:
npm install
- Build the assets:
npm run build
- Create a symbolic link to the storage:
php artisan storage:link
Eisar Reserve is a comprehensive room reservation system designed to simplify the process of managing bookings. Users can interact with the system to make reservations, manage bookings, and explore various features.
- Building Management:
- Create, view, update, and delete buildings.
- Room Management:
- CRUD operations for managing rooms within buildings.
- Display room details, including images.
- Season-Based Room Pricing:
- Define pricing for rooms based on seasonal start and end dates.
- Add-On Management:
- CRUD operations for managing room add-ons (e.g., breakfast, massage).
- Set prices for each add-on.
- Reservation Management:
- CRUD operations for handling reservations.
- Pricing calculated based on booking date and selected add-ons.
- Different reservation statuses (Pending, Paid, Canceled).
- User Management:
- CRUD operations for managing users.
- Assign roles (Admin, Reservations Staff, Guest) to control permissions.
- Role-Based Access:
- Different roles have specific permissions.
- Admins have full access, reservations staff manage reservations, and guests can make room requests.
- Interactive Forms and Tables:
- User-friendly forms for interactive data entry.
- Tables for easy data visualization and management.
- Dashboard with Charts and Stats:
- Dashboard tailored to user roles.
- Charts and statistics for insights into reservations, pricing, and other relevant data.
- Reservation Process:
- Guests can view room details and initiate reservations.
- Reservators manage pending reservations and update status after payment.
- Rooms Loading on Scroll:
- The rooms in the guest booking are loading on scroll using Livewire.



Dark Dashboard

Room Management

Reservation Form






Booking Infinite Scrolling

This system, EisarReserve, was developed by Hoceine EL Idrissi. For more information and to explore other projects, visit Hoceine's website.