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Streamlining Learning - Enhancing Video Delivery in LMS

Streamlining Learning - Enhancing Video Delivery in LMS

Integrating HLS into a Learning Management System (LMS) with a powerful tech stack including Laravel, JavaScript, FFMPEG, Plyr, Redis, MySQL, Bootstrap, HLS.js, and Ajax. This project focuses on revolutionizing video delivery within the LMS, offering advanced features and capabilities.

Project Overview

The goal of this project is to enhance video delivery within a Learning Management System, introducing a range of features to manage the video lifecycle effectively. Key functionalities include:

  • HLS Integration: Incorporating HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) for improved video streaming performance and adaptability.
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  • Watermarking: Adding a watermark to the video content to protect intellectual property and enhance branding.
  • Demo Extraction: Extracting a brief segment from the video to create engaging demos for promotional purposes.
  • Bitrate Encoding: Optimizing video quality through efficient bitrate encoding techniques.
  • Segmentation: Breaking down the video into smaller segments, typically 10 seconds each, for improved playback and streaming.
  • HLS Formatting: Formatting videos into the HLS standard, ensuring compatibility and smooth playback across various devices.
  • MySQL Storage: Storing essential video information in a MySQL database for seamless retrieval and management.
  • Multi-Quality Preview: Offering users the option to preview videos in multiple quality settings for a personalized viewing experience.

Video Lifecycle :

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Technologies Used

This project utilizes a diverse range of technologies to achieve its objectives:

  • Laravel: Leveraging the PHP framework for robust backend development.
  • JavaScript: Enhancing interactivity and user experience on the frontend.
  • FFMPEG: Implementing video processing capabilities, including encoding and extraction.
  • Plyr: Integrating Plyr, a customizable video player, for enhanced playback features.
  • Redis: Utilizing Redis for efficient caching and improved performance.
  • Bootstrap: Ensuring a responsive and visually appealing user interface.
  • HLS.js: Implementing HLS.js to enable HLS playback in modern browsers.
  • Ajax: Facilitating asynchronous communication for dynamic content loading.

Implementation Details

Laravel Jobs and Queues

The project harnesses the power of Laravel Jobs and Queues to efficiently handle tasks related to video processing and encoding. By offloading time-consuming operations to a background queue, the system ensures a smooth and responsive user experience.

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Redis for Video Encoding State

To provide real-time feedback on video encoding progress, Redis is employed as a caching and data store. The current video encoding state, including the percentage completion, is stored in Redis. This allows for quick retrieval of data, enabling dynamic updates on the user interface.

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Ajax Integration

Ajax plays a crucial role in establishing seamless communication between the frontend and backend. Through Ajax requests, the frontend can fetch and display real-time updates on the video encoding state stored in Redis. This asynchronous approach enhances the user experience by eliminating the need for manual page refreshes.

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Insights and Enhancements

Incorporating Laravel Jobs, Queues, Redis, and Ajax introduces several benefits to the project:

  • Efficient Processing: Background job processing ensures that resource-intensive tasks, such as video encoding, do not impact the responsiveness of the application.
  • Real-time Updates: Users can track the progress of video encoding in real-time, providing a transparent and engaging experience.
  • Scalability: The use of queues and Redis allows the system to handle multiple encoding tasks concurrently, making the solution scalable.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Ajax integration eliminates the need for manual intervention, creating a more user-friendly interface for monitoring video encoding progress.


Explore the visual representation of the project through the following screenshots:

Before Uploading the Video

Prepare your video for an enhanced learning experience.

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Video Lifecycle Management

Visualizing the lifecycle stages of a video within the system.

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Video Uploaded Successfully

Your content is now ready for seamless delivery.

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You Can View the Course Here

Dive into the course content to deepen your understanding.

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You Can View the Lesson Here

Explore each lesson to grasp the concepts thoroughly.

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You Can See Different Qualities Displayed

Choose the video quality that suits your preference.

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144p Quality

Experience the video in lower resolution for optimized performance.

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1080p Quality

Immerse yourself in high-definition video quality for a detailed learning experience.

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Network Progress during Video Timeline Progress

Monitor the network progress as the video playback advances.

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Explore Further

Witness the innovative solutions and advanced capabilities of this project by watching the demo and exploring the source code. Experience the future of video delivery in Learning Management Systems.

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